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8 Jan 2021

Quality Management Specialist at NIRAS International Consulting

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Job Description


Tanzania Ports Authority is modernizing the Dar es Salaam port to be able to accommodate larger marine vessels through deepening and strengthening of Berth 1 – 11, dredging and widening of Dar es Salaam port outer entrance channel, inner entrance and turning basins in order to cope with demand of future traffic.

The objective of the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Program is to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Port of Dar es Salaam for the benefit of public and private stakeholders. This program has been designed to increase the capacity of the port to 28 million tons by the time the project is completed in 2023/2024. This is to be realized by the following project components:

Improving the Physical Infrastructure

– Deepening and strengthening of existing Berths 1 to 7 to 14.5 m below CD, and constructing a new multipurpose berth at Gerzani Creek, which is under implementation and expected too be completed by February 2021.
– Deepening and widening the entrance channel and turning circle to 15.5 m below CD, which is planned to start by August 2020 for a completion period of 30 months.
– Improving the rail linkages and platform in the port.
– Deepening and strengthening of existing Berths 8 – 11, to 14.5 m below CD, which is under preparation stage.

Improving Operational and Spatial Efficiency

The Institutional Strengthening of TPA:
– Technical assistance to support the restructuring of TPA to reflect the twin objectives of corporatization of functional business units within TPA, enhancing TPA’s capacity to develop, manage and operate ports, and assess future private sector participation.
– Capacity building and training for the TPA staff to take on the above responsibilities, as a result of the restructuring, including inter alia necessary support for procurement of management information systems, the implementation of the Environmental and Social Strengthening Plan and building capacity and awareness of climate resilience.
– Procurement of management information systems, Terminal operating systems for those berths where TPA will remain the operator, and a Port Community System for Dar es Salaam port.

Implementation Assistance:
– Supervision of construction and dredging works in the port in which the consultant was procured and is under implementation.
– Technical Assistance, as required, to the TPA Port Implementation Team to facilitate the implementation of the project (including TA to supervise the implementation of the cost accounting manual).
– Independent technical auditor, which is under procurement.
– Consultancy services for ESIA for dredging of the entrance channel and turning basin in which the ESIA has been completed.
– Supervision of deepening and strengthening of existing berths 8 to 11, which is under procurement.

Qualifications required

Only the experts meeting the set criteria will be shortlisted and contacted.

Master’s degree or equivalent in civil engineering
Professionally registered qualified civil engineer

Professional experience required

Must have at least 20 years of international and sub-Saharan African professional experience
Worked at least three (3) projects as Quality Manager
Must have relevant working experience of at least 5 years in developing countries


24 months

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Method of Application

Submit your CV and Application on Company Website : Click Here

Closing Date : 8th February, 2021.

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