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5 Oct 2023

Concession Manager at Expert Consultancy Ltd

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Job Description

Our clientisaregisteredTanzanianCompanyunderCompaniesOrdinance(Cap.212)andaleadingHospitality CompanywithOperationsinArusha,Meatu-SimiyuandMaraRegions. On behalf of their management wearecurrentlyhiring foraConcessionManager to be part of our client team. The position will be based in MeatuTanzania.


ConcessionManagerisresponsibleforensuringthattheClientWildlifeManagementAreaismanaged inaccordancewithCompany’svisionandmissionaswellastheTAWAdirectivesandguidelines,worktofurtherinfrastructure maintenance, data monitoring, liaison with TAWA, and in support of community Development Manager liaise with local communities.



v To advice and help management secure, protect and maintain investment areas(concessions)

v Toadvisemanagementonissuesrelatedtorelationshipsbetweenthecompany,government, institutions  and the general public.

v To be a link and manage communicationsbetweenthecompany,governmentinstitutions,localauthorities and general public for the betterment of thecompany.

v Identifyanythreatsandconflictofinterest between companyandindividualsorinstitutionsandadvisethe company on how best these situations can beresolved.

v Toidentifyanddevelopstrategies intendingtoimproverelationships withgovernmentinstitutionsandthe general public for the purpose of ensuring smoothoperations.

v To assist management whenever possible with business Management, including (but not restricted to) acquiringlegalpermitsandlicensesrequiredforrunningthebusinessand/orprovidingqualityservices.

v Toensurethatallprojectsarecompletedon time andwithintheallocatedbudget,thisshallincludeensuring that where applied the engaged contractors deliver their works according to their specific terms of engagement.


v To work closely with TAWA, NCAA, TANAPA and Local authorities at all levels and maintain regular communications which them, to develop and promote an effective, productive, and cooperative working relationship between company staff and TAWA, NCAA, TANAPA and localauthorities.

v Topromoteandimprovethecurrentlevelsofpartnership,mutualtrustandunderstandingwithallP1HLand client Concessions, District, Regional, WINA TAWA, NCAA and TANAPA officials working alongside companymanagersinthefield,andtoassesstheirinstitutionalandpoliticalfeelingsandassistthemwhenever and however possible with appropriate logistic and technicalsupport.

v Toworkclosely withtheFCF,TGTS,Client Managersandmaintainregularcommunicationswithchemon issues related to public relationsand compliance.

v Adviceandwherenecessaryhelpresearchunityinidentifyingresearchopportunitiesandsettingresearch goalsandobjectivesfor thepurposeofimprovingconservationstatusofresourceswithinClient,andSister Companies concessions and their largerecosystems.

v To approve and provide input on research conducted by FCFT and ensure that the findings areintegrated into management plans.

v Advice management on issues related to research an research priorities that are beneficial to the company.

v ToadviseandwherenecessaryassistcommunityDevelopmentManageronpoliciesandproceduresrelated to community conservation works andprojects.

v Toadviseandsupportcommunitydevelopmentmanagersinidentificationandprioritizationofprojectsand potential fundingopportunities.

v To advise the community development department on proper procedures of evaluating and assessing developmentprojectsandcommunityperceptionstowardsthecompanyinvestments.



v Diploma/bachelor’s degree in Wildlife or related field

v Proven proficiency in computerized applications to Microsoft Office Software (Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint) and basic Google Suite.

Experience andSkills:
v Five (5) years’ experience working inWildlife.
v Knowledge of United Republic of Tanzania laws and policies regarding hunting and conservation as they presently exist and as they change or aremodified.
v Excellent leadership abilities and communicationskills
v GIS experience will beadvantageous.
v Assertiveness, patience and good organizationalskills.
v Havetheabilitycoworkthroughperiodsofhighdemandandbereadytoworkafterhoursoronweekends.

v Highly motivated, self-disciplined and well organized.

v A meticulous degree of pride in their persona|presentation.

v Highestlevelofcommitmentanddedicationespeciallyindealingwithnegativesituationsandcheabilityto think out of the box.

v Be able to workindependently.

v Humble, yet driven with a track record of performance

We look forward to receiving your application!

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Method of Application

If you are up to the challenge, possess the necessary qualification and experience; please send your CV only quoting the job title on the email subject (CONCESSION MANAGER) on or before 15th October, 2023 to [email protected]

Thank you for your interest in the job opening in our company. We regret to inform that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

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